How to Use an EpiPen on an Older Adult

An EpiPen, otherwise known as epinephrine, is a medication used to treat severe allergic reactions. When an individual has sudden and severe allergies, such as hives, swelling and problems breathing, the use of an EpiPen is sometimes a life-saving action. EpiPen's website points out that elderly individuals are more prone to severe allergic reactions due to medications and disorders that come with age. They are also more at risk from using an EpiPen because they are more likely to have heart conditions which can complicate use.


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      Remove the EpiPen from the packaging. EpiPens are small and portable so the individual can carry the medication with them at any time. The EpiPen dosage amount for adults is 0.3 mg. An EpiPen that says "EpiPen Jr." is designed for children.

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      Inject the EpiPen into the individual suffering from allergic reactions in the outside of the thigh. Never inject the EpiPen into veins or buttocks. The only appropriate location for injection is the outside of the thigh.

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      Take the older adult to the hospital immediately. While the EpiPen can stop the severe allergies quickly, any older adult who requires the use of the EpiPen must go to the hospital. Only a doctor can minimize the possible risks that come with age when using an EpiPen. Since older adults take more medications, there is a risk of interactions with medications and anyone with heart conditions or diabetes has potential complicated from the EpiPen.

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