Calamine Lotion Uses
Contact Dermatitis
That red, itchy, bumpy rash can be caused by an allergic reaction after coming into direct contact with substances such as soap and cosmetics, weeds such as poison ivy, oak and sumac, jewelry and metal objects containing nickel. Contact dermatitis usually lasts two to four weeks. It isn't life-threatening, but there can be complications, especially if the rash is scratched. The application of Calamine lotion can relieve itching and inflammation. It can also dry the oozing from the rash caused by contact with poison ivy, oak or sumac.
Bites and Stings
Calamine lotion can be used to relieve the itch, pain and swelling caused by minor allergic reactions to insect bites and stings. Insects include bees, wasps, mosquitoes, ticks and spiders. Calamine can also be effective in relieving the itch and pain caused by a mild reaction to a jellyfish sting. In the case of any kind of bite or sting, a doctor should be consulted for a more severe reaction.
Chickenpox and Shingles
Chickenpox is a contagious virus that can spread red, itchy bumps and liquid-filled blisters over much of the affected person's body. Those who haven't been vaccinated or previously infected are most at risk. The rash can itch and sting. According to the May Clinic, "Scratching can cause scarring, slow down the healing process and increase the risk that the sores will become infected." Calamine lotion, dabbed on the spots, can relieve itch and sting. Shingles is a virus triggered by a previous chickenpox infection. It usually affects older adults and causes a band of painful, itchy blisters to break out. Calamine lotion can relieve the itch and pain.
Other Skin Conditions
A number of other skin conditions can be treated with Calamine lotion or ointment. Irritated skin caused by heat rash can be soothed with Calamine. Swimmers' itch, a rash caused by parasites in freshwater lakes and ponds, can be relieved by using Calamine. Pityriasis rosea is a spreading rash usually affecting the mid-section of the body. The rash can become itchy and scaly. Calamine can help relieve these symptoms.