Signs and Symptoms of Mold Spores
Excess Humidity
Mold breeds in humid environments, specifically where relative humidity exceeds 55 percent. If you live in a humid environment, understand that you have a higher-than-average likelihood for mold contamination, as spores become active when exposed to moisture.
Liquid Discoloration
Active mold spores appear in a thick liquid form, but will vary in color based upon the type of mold present. Spores may appear black, brown, gray or dark green, and often appear thick or slimy.
Powdery Substance
Inactive spores, as opposed to active spores, appear in a gray, brown or white powdery form, as they lack the necessary moisture to breed. For example, if you expose active mold to direct sunlight, the liquid will convert to a powdery, dry form.
Musty Odor
Active and even inactive mold spores can produce a musty scent, best described as an aroma of sour air, which can engulf an entire room where spores are present. This odor can produce headaches, asthma attacks and other illnesses.
Health Symptoms
The presence of mold in a home environment can produce symptoms that include nausea, allergic reactions, respiratory infections and other conditions. Toxic mold can even contribute to severe pathogenic infections and even certain forms of cancer.