How to Reduce Dander
Things You'll Need
- Antidander shampoo
- Rubber gloves
- Mask
- Air filters
- Allergen-resistant bedding
Bath your pet regularly with an antidander shampoo. Bathing removes dirt and excess dander from your pet's skin. Take your pet outside or go into a bathroom and close the door. Wear rubber gloves and mask to protect yourself. Wet your pet's fur and rub a small amount of shampoo into the fur. Rinse with water. Finish the bathing process with a thorough brushing, removing any loose hairs. Never use human shampoo on animals; the pH balance is significantly different from dog or cat shampoo and can cause severe skin irritation for your pet. Ask you veterinarian for recommendations for an effective antidander shampoo.
Use air filters. Place the filters in your home's air vents by opening the tabs on the vent doors with either your fingers or a screwdriver and place the filters in the vents. Close the vent doors and resecure the tabs. A HEPA filter effectively eliminates most animal dander and other allergens from your bedroom and home.
Take your pet to the vet. Animals suffer from allergies just as humans do, which can cause scratching. As your pet scratches, flakes of dander fly into the air along with loose hairs. Pets can be allergic to foods and even certain chemicals in cleaning products. Talk to your vet about possible hypoallergenic foods and shampoos for your pet.
Use allergen-resistant bedding and slip covers. Certain materials hold animal dander and additional allergens more easily than others. Many online companies such as National Allergy offer allergen-resistant bedding, sheets and pillows to further reduce animal dander in your home. (See Resources)