DIY Nasal Spray
Things You'll Need
- Canning, rock, pickling or sea salt
- Baking soda
- Boiled or distilled water
- Nasal irrigation or bulb syringe
Mix baking soda and salt thoroughly as part of your nasal spray solution. Combine 1 tsp. of baking soda with 3 tsp. salt. Regular table salt may irritate the lining of your nasal passages, so avoid using salt that has iodine or other preservatives in it.
Boil your water or use distilled water. Boil 8 oz. of water, or use 8 oz. distilled water.
Mix 1 tsp. of the baking soda and salt mixture into the water. Mix thoroughly to avoid lumps in the solution.
Pour the solution into a nasal irrigation syringe or a bulb syringe.
Lean over the sink and tilt your head to one side. Gently place the tip of the nasal syringe in the upper nostril. Start the flow of the solution by pressing the syringe plunger. The solution should flow into your nasal passages and drain out of the lower nostril. When done, gently blow your nose with a tissue. Repeat on the other side.