Allergy Panel for Metals
Both skin contact and ingestion of metals have been known to cause allergic reactions in people, most commonly exhibiting through the skin. Reactions usually show up as hives, eczema or dermatitis (redness and itching).
Common Testing
A lymphocyte transformation test (LTT assay) measures the activity of the immune cells (lymphocytes) after they have been exposed to a suspected allergen. People with a metal allergy will have elevated lymphoctyes. The lymphocytes see the metal as a threat and expand to mount a defense. The expanding number of lymphocytes causes inflammation. This blood test is the most effective way to pinpoint a metal allergy.
Alternate Tests
There are other methods to test for metal allergy. One involves the skin prick test. The skin is pricked with a needle and then a solution is applied which contains suspected allergens. If the skin develops a red or itchy rash, the test is considered positive. Another method uses intradermal injection. The suspected allergen solution is injected into the skin. This test is more sensitive than a skin prick. The third method is a skin patch containing the allergen. The person wears the patch for up to three days. This test will diagnose contact dermatitis.