Systemic Yeast Diet
Foods to Avoid
There are three main groups of foods to avoid on a systemic yeast diet. These include yeasty foods such as breads and alcohol, moldy foods such as cheese and soy sauce, sugary foods like honey and processed sugar. While starchy foods such as potatoes aren't prohibited, it is best to limit consumption to three to four times a week.
Foods to Consume
While the systemic yeast diet discourages highly processed foods, there is still a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains and meat that can be consumed. Recommended foods include dark, leafy vegetables, uncured meat, unprocessed seeds and nuts, and whole grains such as barley.
Duration of Diet
For the yeasts to die and yeast toxins to be flushed out of the body, it is best to follow the systemic yeast diet for at least three to six weeks. After these six weeks, slowly add foods from the to-avoid list back into your diet. If you are experiencing exhaustion for long periods of time, consult your doctor for nutritional supplements.