Common Plant Allergies
Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac cause allergic reaction through physical contact with their plant sap. Gardening tools, clothing, shoes and pet fur may transfer plant sap, so you can react even if you never touched the plant.
Bermuda grass causes allergies in some sensitive individuals. Grasses that cause the most allergies include Bermuda, Orchard, Johnson, Rye, Timothy, Redtop and Kentucky bluegrass, according to Rye and Timothy grass allergies are most commonly referred to as hay fever because they typically occur during haying season.
Grass pollinates during the late spring and summer. Cutting the grass before it flowers can cut down on grass allergies. You can also wear a breathing mask when cutting the grass or when the air is dry and windy to help stave off allergy flare ups.
Pollen from the cottonwood trees can make it appear to snow in the spring. Most trees pollinate in early spring, but if the winter is mild, they may begin pollinating in late January in the southern United States, according to the Allergy Relief Center. Cottonwoods, oaks, mulberries, maples and pecans are the trees most likely to cause allergic reaction in the spring. Furs, junipers, cypress and sequoias flower in the fall and early winter, according to Mary Predny. Fresh cut evergreens, Christmas trees and holiday trims may cause issues for holiday shoppers who are sensitive to these trees.
People who are sensitive to ragweed may also be sensitive to canteloupe and bananas. Ragweeds cause allergies in 75 percent of Americans with pollen sensitivities according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). There are 17 varieties in the U.S. and they pollinate in the summer and early fall. In the southern U.S., ragweed season may begin in September and last until the first hard freeze, which may not happen until late December or early January.
One ragweed plant can produce up to one billion grains of pollen. The pollen counts are typically highest in rural areas just after dawn and between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in urban areas. People who are sensitive to ragweed may also be sensitive to sage, cantaloupe and bananas. Consuming chamomile tea, sunflower seeds and honey can lead to allergic reaction and shock in sensitive individuals.
Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac
Never burn poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac. Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac sap is called urushiol. Urushiol is very irritating and is found in every part of the plant, according to WebMed. The sap continues to be active after the plant dies. People build up a sensitivity to urushiol and each subsequent exposure causes the reaction to intensify. WebMD warns that you should not burn these plants because the sap can become airborne in the smoke and ash from the fire. Inhaled urushiol can cause serious and severe reactions in the respiratory system.