Causes of Seasonal Itching
Hay Fever
Hay fever is a common allergy that affects sufferers during the spring, summer and fall months. It is triggered by different types of pollen and grasses, and the allergens that trigger one hay fever attack might be different from those that trigger another sufferer's. As well as watery, itchy eyes and a runny nose, hay fever can cause itchy skin. Treatment involves identifying and avoiding the allergen (which could be a tree, grass, flower or weed) and addressing each symptom individually. (See Ref. 1)
During spring, summer and fall, mold spores can stay airborne for long periods of time. They are not so active during winter when the weather is colder, but as the temperature rises during spring, molds being to multiply faster. The spores can contribute to allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes and skin. Natural health website Native Remedies recommends taking vitamin A and B supplements, avoiding outdoor activities such as gardening, and keeping the inside of your house clean during the summer months to reduce symptoms. (See Ref. 2)
Xerotic Eczema
Itchy skin can occur during the winter too, and can continue until the weather becomes warmer. Xerotic eczema occurs when the cold weather during the winter dries out the skin. Writing for The Independent newspaper, Dr. Fred Kavalier says that when the skin cells dry out quickly, they can start to curl at the edges. This causes the skin to crack and can expose sufferers to skin infections (See Ref. 3). Central heating and hot baths can exacerbate the symptoms; keeping your skin well moisturized can help reduce symptoms.