How do I Alleviate Bloodshot Allergy Eyes?
Things You'll Need
- Eye wash
- Allergy eye drops or artificial tears
- Facial ice pack
Get adequate sleep. Bloodshot and irritated eyes are often a sign of lack of sleep. If it is possible to go back to bed for a few more hours, it may be enough to relieve the redness.
Stop smoking if your eyes are bloodshot or have a tendency to be. If you are in the presence of a smoker or in a location that is smoky, leaving may alleviate some of the problem.
Purchase a mild eyewash solution. Follow the instructions on how to properly use it to soothe the eyes to resolve the redness. This may be helpful if your eyes are bloodshot due to environmental allergens stirred up by heavy winds or if you have been exposed to smoke.
Use over-the-counter allergy drops or artificial tears after using the eyewash. Avoid eye drops that claim to "Get the Red Out" because these types of drops tend to mask the problem as opposed to alleviate it. Often they have a rebound effect and the redness will return.
Wrap an ice pack in a clean towel if your bloodshot eyes are accompanied by itching. If you do not have an ice pack, wet a face cloth with cold water. Place the towel-covered pack or cloth over your closed eyes until the itching has stopped. If your eyes do not itch, wet a face cloth with warm water and wring it to remove any excess. Place the warm towel over your closed eyes for 10 minutes.
Call your doctor if there is pain or greenish or yellow discharge coming from the eyes. Do not automatically assume that it is due to your allergies. Bloodshot eyes are often a sign of infection and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to alleviate the symptoms and prevent its spread. Your eye doctor may also give you advice on alleviating the redness or a prescription for stronger allergy drops.