Allergies to Paper Tape
Symptoms include blistered skin, red skin, skin inflammation and an itchy rash in areas that came in contact with paper tape.
There are two types of contact dermatitis: allergic and irritant contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is the result of an external reaction that affects the immune system, while irritant contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with a substance that only affects the skin.
A visual diagnosis as well as a patch test may be performed to give a definite diagnosis. During a patch test, a small amount of allergens are placed onto the skin where contact dermatitis is present. If an allergic reaction arises after a few days, then contact dermatitis can be given as a diagnosis.
Doctors suggest that contact dermatitis sufferers refrain from contact with substances that cause allergic and irritant reactions. Oral medications like corticosteroids and antihistamines may be given for more severe cases. To relieve the physical symptoms, topical cortisone creams may also be prescribed.