The Best Way to Get Rid of Mites
Wash all bedsheets and blankets in water that is at least 130 degrees Farenheit. Only water of this temperature, or higher, will kill off the mites living in your sheets and blankets.
Use blankets made of, and pillows stuffed with, synthetic materials. Wool blankets and feather pillows are perfect environments for dust mites to nestle into, as those materials tend to be more porous, and therefore collect and hold more dead skin cells for the mites to feed on.
Vacuum carpeting daily with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filtration unit. HEPA is an acronym for High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter. Any vacuum cleaner that does not possess a HEPA filter will be ineffective in collecting dust mites and their droppings.
Place dehumidifiers and air filters in each room of your home. Dust mites thrive in warm, humid climates; removing excess moisture from their air is effective in killing off and controlling interior dust mite populations.
Make sure that air filters purchased for dust mite allergen control have anti-microbial features and disposable, non-washable filters. Reusable filters can become breeding sites for dust mites, despite thorough washing.
Mop hardwood floors, rather than sweeping them. Sweeping with a broom can exacerbate dust mite-induced allergic reactions by sending the microscopic droppings up into the air, where they are easy to inhale.