What Are the Treatments for Olive Tree Allergies?

Olive trees thrive in warm weather climates, such as the Mediterranean and Australia, as well as the southwestern portion of the United States. Olive trees bloom in the spring; exact dates may vary according to climate. Individuals allergic to the olive tree are symptomatic when the olive tree blooms. Olive tree allergies produce traditional allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. In addition, these trees can also create severe respiratory allergy symptoms and can result in asthma. However, a variety of treatment options are available.
  1. Limiting Exposure

    • One of the best ways to treat olive allergies is to limit your exposure to olive tree pollen. Familydoctor.org suggests that sufferers take steps to avoid contact with olive tree allergens by rolling up car windows and using the air conditioner. Keep the windows closed in your home and avoid spending too much time outdoors when olive trees are blooming. Showering before bed to remove allergens from the body can also help to reduce exposure and therefore relieve symptoms.


    • Medications may provide relief from allergy symptoms.

      Another method for treating allergy symptoms is through the use of allergy medications. Familydoctor.org suggests using antihistamines before coming in contact with olive tree pollen for best results. Decongestants can also be used to calm the effects of allergy symptoms. Nasal sprays and allergy eye drops may also provide relief. All of these medications can be found at your pharmacy. Your doctor may also prescribe steroid pills.

    Visiting The Doctor

    • For severe allergy symptoms not relieved by over the counter medications, patients should visit an allergy doctor, who may perform a number of tests to determine the correct treatment for your allergies. Skin tests, which involve exposing the body to a variety of allergens to see which ones produce an allergic reaction, may be administered. Blood tests may also be used. Once your doctor knows what you are allergic to, he may prescribe any of the medications above, or a combination of prescription and over-the-counter treatments. You may also be advised to begin allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy. According to the Mayo Clinic, allergy shots involve exposing your body to small amounts of the allergens which were identified through skin or blood tests. Eventually, immunotherapy allows your body to become desensitized to allergens. This course of treatment can take anywhere from several months to several years to complete.

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