Health Risks of Dust Mites
Approximately 20 million people are allergic to dust mites, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The mites themselves are not the allergen, their waste and shed body parts are. Respiratory signs of dust mite allergy include wheezing, coughing, stuffy ears, runny nose and sneezing. Skin effects include eczema, an irritating skin rash. These symptoms can happen and last throughout the year. Many people experience these symptoms when they stir up dust in their homes.
Dust mites are a trigger for many asthmatics' attacks.The mites can even cause asthma in children predisposed to the disease, according to the Alliance for Healthy Homes. Symptoms of an asthma attack include a tightening of the chest, wheezing or coughing. Dust mites may not trigger asthma in all asthmatics. Asthma is chronic and causes the lungs' airways to tighten and become inflamed.
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as "pink eye," is an inflammation of the eye. Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the body reacts to certain allergens. Unlike other forms of conjunctivitis which generally affect one eye or start in one eye then spread to the other, allergic conjunctivitis typically affects both eyes at once. The whites of the eyes generally turn a pink or red color and become irritated and itchy.