Allergies to Steroids
Steroids can alleviate the itching, pain and inflammation of your dog's allergy symptoms. The fact that steroid drugs are so powerful and effective is also a reason for caution. Short-term use is advised by most veterinarians. Long-term use has more risk of side effects. Because sensitivities and reactions to steroid use is possible for any dog, it is a good idea to identify the known side effects.
Depression is a negative steroid reaction in some dogs. Behavioral changes in dogs are another of the possible side effect of steroid use. Aggressive actions, sadness and unusual exuberance have the potential to develop. Any unusual behaviors are a reason to contact your veterinarian when your dog is taking steroids.
Some degree of panting is expected with steroid use, and dogs will drink more water than usual. As water intake increases, so will urination. However, as with all reasonable side effect warnings, extreme panting and obsession with drinking water may indicate that your dog is having a reaction to the medication.
Steroids can increase appetite. In the short term, satisfying the hunger of your dog is probably not going to be a problem. However, extended use can cause weight gain and is an unhealthy side effect.
Other Symptoms
Other side effects and possible allergic reactions to steroid use in dogs are diarrhea, constipation and intestinal problems. Any of these or other symptoms that are excessive, unusual or extreme are cause for concern. While your dog is using steroids, consultation with your veterinarian is advisable when any questionable health issue surfaces.
Frequent steroid use for allergy symptoms in dogs can encourage certain diseases to develop. The drug is designed to react with the skin, immune and endocrine systems. If your dog is allergic or sensitive to the prescribed steroids, caution is indicated. Chronic hives, diabetes and other disorders are sometimes associated with steroids
All canine drugs have risk potential. Any drug, including steroids, can cause unwanted side effects. Your dog may be one that does not tolerate steroids. Alternative allergy remedies are available for dogs. Their use and success rate should be discussed with your veterinary professional.