Mask for Allergies
Allergic reactions are usually caused by an over-active response to a foreign protein by the immune system. The immune system incorrectly considers the protein to be damaging to the body. The immune system then tries to kill the foreign cell in much the same way that it combats viruses and cells that can cause illness. For this reason, the symptoms of an allergic reaction are often like those of other illnesses.
Allergic reactions can have many symptoms. Most cause stuffy noses, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, red and itchy skin, rashes, hives and breathing problems, or a combination of these. Symptoms of an allergic reaction usually occur where the reaction has happened. Airborne allergens (the cells that cause allergic reactions) usually react in the nose, throat or lungs and cause the symptoms related to those areas. Some severe reactions can be so severe that they become life-threatening, such as swelling of the throat.
Airborne Allergens
Pollens, molds and dust are the most common airborne allergens. An allergic reaction due to pollen is often called hay fever and is most common during the spring and summer, when the most pollen is in the air. Some people wear filter masks to avoid inhaling the allergy-causing particles.
Allergy Masks
Allergy masks, sometimes called respirators, are commonly used by people who suffer from airborne allergies. There are many different types, some resembling gas masks, but the most common are cotton masks that attach behind the ears and are pulled across the face. All of these masks function on the same principle of filtering the air, with the cotton masks filtering the least. The cotton provides a barrier between the nostrils and mouth and the small particles that are carried in the air that may cause allergies. A carbon filter inserted into the mask filters these particles and will need to be replaced every few months. Concern about the H1N1 virus has caused many people to wear allergy masks for reasons other than preventing allergic reactions.
If you find that an allergy mask does not relieve your symptoms, they may be being caused by something other than an allergic reaction. At this point you should consult your doctor. If the symptoms are being caused by allergies after all, you may be instructed to begin taking one of the many allergy medications that are available. If the allergic reactions are so bad that the allergy mask does not relieve the symptoms you may need to take prescribed antihistamines.