How to Remove Allergens With an Air Purifier
Identify the source and type of allergens that are causing an allergic reaction or impaired respiratory health.
Select rooms that will benefit from the placement of an air purifier. You may choose to place air cleaners near the source of the allergens--your pet's favorite room, for example--the bedroom of the allergy sufferer or in the most commonly used areas of the house.
Multiply the square footage of the room in which you will use the air purifier by two-thirds. The resulting number is the minimum cubic square foot per minute of clean air produced by the purifier, or Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), that will efficiently remove allergens from the room. If use is intended for multiple rooms, apply formula to the largest room.
Purchase an air purifier that provides at least the minimum CADR required to improve your home's air quality as determined by the two-thirds formula. You may also want to select a purifier identified with the Energy Star rating as issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the most energy efficient model.
Place the air purifier in the appropriate room several feet away from the wall, if possible, to maximize air flow and improved air quality.
Adhere to manufacturer's specifications for usage instructions and general maintenance guidelines including cleaning or replacing filters.