Air Purifiers for a Pet Allergy
Common Pets that Cause Allergies
Cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and gerbils are common allergy-inducing pets. However, birds are another animal that produces allergic reactions in some owners. Their feathers and droppings contain dust, fungi and mold, which can prove bothersome.
Some tropical fish cause allergies, not because of the fish, themselves, but because of the ant eggs that are a part of the fish's diet. Though snakes and lizards do not typically cause allergies, the food they eat, mice, cockroaches and gerbils, may cause you to sneeze and cough.
Pet dander and outside allergens brought in on a pet's fur are a couple of reasons why your cat or dog is making you sneeze or your eyes water.
Having an allergy means your immune system is adversely responding to a specific protein in your environment. These proteins, or allergens, produce histamine which causes skin or respiratory problems in otherwise healthy people. An allergic reaction can manifest itself as an itching of the skin and eyes, a swelling of your nasal and lung passages, or wheezing.
Treatments that Complement the Use of Air Purifiers
Air purifiers are not the only alternative to treating pet allergies. If allergies are severe enough, you may need shots or medications and an air purifier to get them under control.
When avoidance of your pet is not an option, ask your allergist about allergy shots. The shots contain a concentration of the proteins that cause your allergies. When given in increasingly stronger doses, your body has a chance to develop an immunity to your allergens. Over time, you will be able to handle your pet without clogging your sinuses or wheezing uncontrollably.
Medications that block histamine receptors are also beneficial in treating pet allergies, as well as using allergy-blocking pet shampoos on your pet, once a week.
These treatments complement your use of an air purifier by giving your body the tools to fight off what small amounts of allergens the air purifier is unable to remove.
Best Air Purifiers for Allergies
HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air, and HEPA air purifiers have a high density, flat filter made from randomly placed fiberglass fibers. HEPA filters capture particles as small as 0.3 microns at an accuracy of 99.97 to 99.99 percent. Dust, mold, airborne chemicals, pet dander, pollen and smoke are all particles that cannot be captured using standard air filters. Room sized and whole-house HEPA filter systems are available online or at home improvement stores. Some of these systems clean as much as 1,500 square feet of air twice every hour.
Air Purifiers to Avoid
According to Consumer Reports, electrostatic air filters clean the air in your home, but they tend to produce ozone, which has been shown to irritate lungs and actually make asthma and allergies worse. The report also claims that the ozone produced mixes with chemicals in lemon- and pine-scented cleaners to produce formaldehyde. The formaldehyde is then absorbed by bedding, couch cushions, carpets and draperies.