Chicken Allergy & Rash
Types of Rashes
Food allergies, like chicken allergy, can make your skin itchy. Your skin may also develop a rash such as eczema or hives. Eczema is red and has white scales in the middle of each patch. Eczema can spread to different parts of your body. Hives, on the other hand, tend to stay in clusters. Hives are characterized by round, raised red bumps. Rashes from chicken allergy can take up to two days to develop.
Other Symptoms
Chicken allergy can also cause headaches, migraines, sinusitis, wheezing, chest tightness, insomnia, excessive fatigue, abdominal pain, gout and kidney stones. Gastrointestinal and respiratory problems are more common in people who have had chicken allergy since childhood.
Skin rashes from chicken meat are primarily caused by external contact. For example, a hand that touches a piece of chicken can possibly break out into a rash. In infants, skin rashes such as eczema are common, and can indicate a food allergy such as chicken allergy. Proper blood tests and skin prick tests are conducted to determine your body's immunity to allergens. If you are diagnosed with chicken allergy, symptoms are prevented by avoiding chicken, chicken products and dishes with traces of chicken juice. Cooking may destroy some of the allergenic proteins, but not all.
As with other food allergies, chicken allergy is commonly treated with antihistamines such as Benadryl. If you break out into a rash from chicken allergies, then your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter or prescription hydrocortisone cream to help treat the rash and relieve itchiness. If chicken allergies cause severe symptoms, your doctor will prescribe adrenaline shots, which are injected into your leg. These shots help prevent your body from going into shock, a condition also known as anaphylaxis.
According to the Wisconsin Medical Journal, allergies to chicken meat are rare. Allergies to chicken feathers and chicken eggs are more prevalent. However, having egg or feather allergies does not necessarily mean that you will develop an allergy to chicken meat. Having chicken allergies makes you more prone to developing allergies to other types of meat and poultry, particularly turkey. Changing your diet from occasional chicken meat to frequently eating chicken meat can increase your risk of developing chicken allergy, explains the Wisconsin Medical Journal.