Allergy Protection for Bedding
The Need
Dust mites are microscopic mites that thrive in dusty environments. They mainly live off of dead human skin cells. Having carpet, not washing bed sheets and keeping a warm and humid bedroom will encourage the mites to reproduce and colonize. Bedding makes a good place for dust mites to settle. Symptoms of dust mite allergies include sleeplessness, a runny nose and irritated eyes, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Allergy protection bedding kills and prevents dust mites from settling. Allergy bedding protection is made from tightly woven fibers that do not allow the mites to settle and colonize. The mites that are already alive in a mattress or pillows will be trapped behind the cover and eventually die off.
A person with a dust mite allergy should experience immediate relief from allergy symptoms after properly installing the allergy protection covers. The covers should prohibit contact with the body therefore eliminating the allergy.
While allergy protective covers will keep bed bugs out of pillows, sheets and the mattress, dust mites may colonize on a pillow case or mattress sheet if not washed properly. The National Library of Medicine says that washing sheets once a week at 130 degrees in soapy water will effectively kill any living dust mites. Changing the sheets placed over the allergy protecting cases will prevent the mites from returning.
After applying the allergy protection covers, there should be improvement with allergy symptoms. If not, the affected person may need to see an allergist to confirm a dust mite allergy. Dust mite covers are only effective on eliminating dust mites. If symptoms do not subside, an individual may have an allergy to mold or pet dander.