How to Help My Allergies
Things You'll Need
- Cleaning supplies
- Protective coverings for mattresses and pillows
- Mask
Avoid things you are allergic to. Although in some cases this is easier said than done, you can at least reduce exposure to things you cannot avoid. For instance, if you are allergic to your pet, keep that pet off furniture and out of your bedroom. If you are allergic to grass, limit outdoor activity when grass is being cut or the pollen count for grass is reported to be high.
Get rid of carpets, rugs and heavy drapes. Fabric and carpet fibers are much more prone to collecting dust than hard surfaces are.
Place all your pillows, your mattress and your box spring in protective coverings. This will create a barrier between them, dust, dust mites and allergens.
Wash your bedding in hot water once each week. This will help allergies because it will get rid of any dust, dust mites and allergens that have accumulated on your bedding over the course of the week.
Clean your home frequently. If you vacuum and dust regularly, and disinfect surfaces, such as floors, doors, windows and bathrooms, it will reduce the amount of dust and allergens accumulating in your home. When cleaning, wear a mask to reduce the amount of allergens you inhale.
Keep dry the areas that are prone to mold such as bathrooms, basements and laundry rooms. Wipe up after showers and baths, and use a ventilation fan or window when you shower to reduce moisture.
Close your windows on days when the pollen count is high. The Weather Channel and your local news will report whether or not the pollen count is low, moderate or high when they do your local forecast.
Change your clothes when you have been outside for an extended period of time. Pollen and other allergens can attach to your clothing an be transported into your home and on to your furniture. The same thing goes for animal dander if you are allergic, if you visit a friend who has a pet that you are allergic to, change when you get home, so you do not cross-contaminate your living area.