Allergy to Down Pillows
Down feathers are important feathers on a bird. Down feathers are small, soft and fluffy. The feathers provide excellent insulation, and because of this down feathers are put into sleeping bags, pillows and comforters.
Down pillows and are filled with down feathers from birds. In most cases the feathers in the pillows are inside in a way where they lay flat with a central quill, however some are bunched up to create a bushy appearance. Down pillows are commonly encased in linen or cotton, sometimes silk or satin; synthetic fabrics can be used as well.
Allergies to down pillows are typically a scratchy throat, cough, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Even though the feathers in the down pillows are cleaned and a filtering system is used, particles and dust can still make their way into the pillows, which can contribute to the allergy.
If you suspect that you are allergic to your down pillows try switching to non-down pillows for a few nights; if you don't exhibit allergy symptoms then it is most likely that you do have an allergy to your down pillow.
Dust mites can also cause allergy symptoms. Dust mites are minuscule creatures in the spider family that nest in pillows and bedding, feeding on dead skin cells. Allergies to dust mites result as a reaction to enzymes in dust mite feces. If you are not sure you truly are allergic to your down pillows, switch up all of your bedding to a hypoallergenic, synthetic fabric which is free of down feathers and made to deter dust mite nesting.