Dust Mites & Eczema
Eczema is a skin rash that reacts to various triggers, and it is most common in infants and young children, according to Dr. Greene. There is no explanation of how eczema develops, except that it is an allergic reaction. Most common allergies like dust mites can cause an eczema outbreak.
The Mayo Clinic defines a dust mite allergy as a reaction from the immune system to dust mite proteins. If you're allergic to dust mites, it's not the mite itself that you're allergic to, but it's the mite's droppings. Common symptoms of a dust mite allergy are nasal congestion, eye irritation and skin rashes such as eczema.
Eczema may be triggered by various sources. After taking preventative steps to eliminate dust mites as much as possible, there should be significant improvement with your eczema condition. If you don't see an improvement, talk to your doctor about taking an allergy test to determine the cause.
Eczema can lead to neurodermatitis, a condition where patches of skin become leathery, according to the Mayo Clinic. Due to excessive scratching, the skin may crack and become inflamed, causing a skin infection. The eyes may also become affected by eczema. If you experience eye pain or your eyes become swollen, seek medical advice.
Eczema that results from a dust mite allergy is treated with moisturizing lotions, and steroid creams and lotions. Steroid creams and lotions are by prescription only and should be used discretely. Your doctor may recommend taking a daily oral antihistamine to reduce the amount of histamine released in your body.
The most effective prevention is to rid the home of dust mites as much as possible. While it is virtually impossible to completely wipe out dust mites, there are a few things you can do to minimize their presence. Replace carpet with hardwood, laminate or tile flooring. Maintain a clean, dust-free house by using a HEPA air filter. Cover pillows and mattresses with a gortex cover. Dr. Greene confirms that a recent study showed significant reduction in eczema flare-ups by using gortex mattress covers.