How to Handle Pollen & Ragweed
Keep an eye on the pollen count. If it is not mentioned on your local news or weather channel, you can find the pollen count for you area listed at Refer to this count as you make decisions about how to spend your day. When possible, stay inside until at least 10 a.m. The pollen count is lowest after 4 p.m., so schedule any prolonged outdoor activities accordingly.
Keep your windows closed. You may also wish to purchase HEPA air filters and vacuum cleaners, which will help eliminate allergens from the air in your home. Be careful not to drive with your car windows down. While your car's air conditioner also pulls air from the outside, it filters the dirt and pollen from the air before it comes out of the vents.
Try to avoid mowing the grass and performing other types of yard work. If you must work in the yard, wear a mask.
Shower and change clothes after spending time outside to keep from spreading pollen inside the house. Keep in mind that dogs and cats can also bring pollen inside the house, so try to keep them from making frequent trips outside.
Use your dryer instead of a clothesline. Hanging your clothes outside is a surefire way to collect pollen and ragweed allergens.
Talk with your health care professional about your allergy symptoms. Your doctor will be able to recommend a variety of over-the-counter antihistamines. If these do not prove to be effective, you can ask about prescription medications that may be helpful.
Undergo immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots. While this will require thorough allergy testing, it is often an effective treatment for individuals who do not respond to other options.
Consider relocating. While there are virtually no areas of the United States that are unaffected by ragweed, many allergy sufferers find relief by moving west of the Rocky Mountains. If moving is not an option, you may wish to plan a vacation to one of these areas during the time of year when your allergy symptoms are the worst.