Reaction to the Odor From a Foam Mattress Pad
Memory Foam Mattresses
Memory foam mattresses, pads and pillows are made from petroleum-based chemicals, foams, adhesives, plastics and flame-retardant materials. According to research from Duke University, chemicals in memory foam mattresses, pads and pillows include up to 61 toxic chemicals. However, Dr. Cara Matterson states that no proven health risks from these chemicals have been found, particularly when the product is properly aired out to get rid of the gaseous smell.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple chemical sensitivity is a condition in which people develop allergic reactions to things that don't usually bother other people. Where most people are not bothered by the new mattress smell, people with MCS often react adversely to memory foam odors caused by some of the toxic chemicals. The odor that is emitted by adhesives, flame retardants and chemicals used to manufacture memory foam often trigger adverse effects and make sensitive people sick.
Memory foam pads, mattresses and pillows contain solvents, plastics and chemicals such as benzene; tolnene di-isocyanate, an odorous hydrocarbon; and tertiary amine, which also has a strong odor. Mattresses, pads and pillows usually outgas naturally, and odors last a short period of time and cause no trouble to most people. But sensitive people react adversely to such toxic odors, which triggers allergies and cause them to become ill.
Symptoms/ Reactions
Common symptoms among people who are sensitive to foam mattress odors include asthma attacks, dizziness, nausea and breathing problems. Other people experience flulike symptoms, nosebleeds, rashes and hives as reactions to the odors emitted from foam mattresses, pads and pillows.
Air out mattresses, wash bedding regularly and air out bedrooms to help get rid of mattress odors. Others use vinegar and coffee grounds to help with this problem. Ozone machines are often used in other cases to get rid of the offensive odor. When these precautions don't give a sensitive person relief, it is best to get rid of the memory foam products and choose other kinds of mattresses that do not trigger allergic reactions. Natural materials, such as natural latex bedding, are probably a better choice in such cases.