Cotton Allergies
Natural Product
Generally, people are allergic to synthetic textiles but allergies do arise when some individuals are exposed to cotton, which is a natural cellulose agricultural product, according to
The allergy may not be due to the cotton, but what the laundry detergent or fabric softener that the fabric is washed in. Some individuals are allergic to the dye in cotton clothing. You may need to opt for organic cotton without dyes.
Other Possible Culprits
Cotton is sometimes blended with polyester, wool or rayon, which may cause an allergic reaction.
Elastic waistbands or even elastic thread in the cotton garment may be the source of the irritation.
Glyoxal Resin
Cotton that is labeled wrinkle resistant is treated with glyoxal resin. This contains latex, which many people are allergic to.
Some people are allergic to regular cotton and the additives that are found on cotton, according to Organic cotton is devoid of these additives.