Bougainvillea Allergies
Bougainvillea is indigenous to South America, but it is grown throughout the world in temperate and tropical climates. It is grown in a variety of forms, including pots, bonsais, hedges, on trellises and as small trees.
Allergy Symptoms
According to Dr. Harris Steinman, expert reviewer of allergens, bougainvillea is not a major contributor of atmospheric pollen, "but may nevertheless uncommonly induce symptoms of asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis in sensitive individuals."
Clinical Evidence
Botanists Manju Sahney and Swati Chaurasia of the University of Allahabad's Botany Department (India) used a volumetric sampler for seven days to measure pollen during various months of the year. Eighty pollen types were identified, with 13 occurring at 1 percent or more. The bougainvillea species measured 0.16 percent contribution, one of the lowest.
Other Good Plant Choices
Scott E. Sergeant, author of "The Birds and the Bees Guide to Allergy-Free Living," lists other plants low in pollen distribution, including azaleas, butterfly bushes, peonies, tulips, pansies, crape myrtles, camellias and forsythias, to name a few.
Survival Tips
Bougainvillea Growers International lists certain tips to keep your home as allergen-free as possible. Place plants and trees far away from your door. Try to keep your pets away from plants, since they can drag pollen in on their fur. Wear a pollen mask while you garden, and then shampoo your hair and shower after gardening to keep your home pollen-free. Talk to your nursery about planting female trees, because they attract floating male pollen and trap it. Do your gardening on windless, rainy or cool days. Finally, keep your lawn cut short.