Propane Allergies
According to Wrong Diagnosis, allergic reactions to propane include headache, dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, chest pain and even seizures. The severity of the allergic reaction depends on the amount of propane exposure as well the circumstances involved.
Asphyxia often exhibits the same kinds of symptoms as propane exposure, including difficulty breathing and seizures. Therefore, an allergic reaction to propane can be misdiagnosed.
The New York Propane Gas Association states that propane has no natural smell. However, an odorant is added to the gas for safety. The smell, which resembles boiled cabbage or rotten eggs, helps warn users when there is a propane leak.
Sinus issues or other physical ailments could prevent some people from noticing strange odors. The New York Propane Gas Association advises being proactive by installing a carbon monoxide detector and a gas leak detector.
Medical toxicologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of chemical posoning. If you experience any symptoms that indicate allegic reactions to propane, do not hesistate to go to the emergency room to seek immediate, professional, medical attention.
Treatment for propane exposure includes decontamination and supportive measures given under the care of a professional medical toxicologist.