Signs & Symptoms of Sensitivities to Plastics in a TMJ Splint
TMJ Disorders
Individuals with TMJ disorders experience pain in the jaw and have difficulty chewing, talking or yawning. Common signs and symptoms include pain or tenderness in the jaw, aching ear pains, pain or difficulty chewing, aching pain in the face, locking of the jaw, clicking sounds when opening and closing the mouth, persistent headache and an uneven bite.
Arthritis, physical injury to the area such as a blow to the jaw, fatigued facial and jaw muscles from habitual clenching or grinding of the teeth and improper skeletal alignment are common causes of TMJ.
Most cases of TMJ are treated with a plastic bite guard that is worn during sleep to prevent clenching or grinding of the teeth. However, prescription medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants and muscle relaxants may also be prescribed. In more severe cases, surgical and dental or orthodontic intervention is required.
Plastic Sensitivity
The signs and symptoms of a plastics allergy or sensitivity can be minor or severe depending on the individual. Minor symptoms include itchiness, rashes, hives, redness or difficulty breathing. Individuals with a severe allergy may go into anaphylactic shock. Individuals with a plastic sensitivity that wear a TMJ bite guards may experience itchiness in the mouth or swelling in the mouth and throat and other airway passages.