Can Allergies Make a Person Tired?
Allergies and Fatigue
CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome can be caused by many health factors from sleep deprivation, vitamin deficiency, psychological problems to disease associations. Sometimes it can be difficult, even for a physician, to identify the cause. Researchers have discovered, however, that over 50 percent of patients with CFS also have allergies. Why do allergies trigger lethargy? Allergies overstimulate or overwork the immune system, and therefore make the body feel worn out. Sinus congestion interferes with breathing during sleep and causes a kind of sleep apnea that prevents a person from having a deep refreshing sleep. During the allergic response, the body will release excessive cytokines, which are chemicals that make you feel weak, similar to the way you feel when you have the flu.
Is Your CFS Allergy Related?
If you have had at least four of the following symptoms for longer than six months, you probably suffer from CFS: Bad short-term memory and inability to concentrate, sore throat, muscle pain, joint pain (without swelling or redness), chronic headache, tender lymph nodes and/or constant feeling of discomfort.
Dr. Leo Galland, the author of Power Healing, wrote that you can identify whether your fatigue is related to allergies or not by seeing how your body reacts to exercise. If it is allergy related, your body should respond well to short, gentle exercise routines and feel energized. If your fatigue is caused by other reasons, however, exercise won't help and might even make you feel worse.
Treat Allergies and Cure Fatigue
Your fatigue will go away if your allergies are properly treated. Visit your doctor and have a thorough evaluation for allergies in order to find out what you are allergic to and should avoid. Keep your home clean and dry to avoid dust and mold. Bathe your indoor pets at least once a week. Wash your sheets and pillow cases in hot water weekly. If you often have nasal congestion, try sleeping on a recliner. It will help you breathe better than lying down. Rinse your nostrils with a saline spray once or twice a day to clean out allergens.
Proper Diets and Supplements
An unhealthy digestive tract can weaken your immune system, heighten your sensitivity to allergies and accordingly make your body feel powerless and uncomfortable. Strictly avoid foods to which you are allergic. If you have chronic digestive problems, visit your doctor and check for intestinal parasites. Two to three cups of chamomile tea a day can reduce fatigue and muscle pain. Take Siberian ginseng supplements to decrease the production of cytokines. Try to add some of these allergy-fighting foods to your daily menu (unless you are allergic to them): yogurt, canola oil, olive oil, cold-water fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Why is exercising good for allergies? Exercising makes the blood vessels in your nose constrict, increases room for air and accordingly opens sinuses. Don't overdo it, though. Start slowly. Do gentle exercise such as yoga or tai chi, or slow aerobic conditioning routines such as walking, biking and swimming for about 15 to 30 minutes daily.