Herbal Allergy Treatment
Stop Allergies Internally
Add the following three herbs to your diet. You can try one at a time or all three at once, though it is recommended you add one in at a time to ensure you know which one works best for you.
Nettle is an herb that can stop sneezing, allergy-related itching and swollen nasal passages. When combined with the flavonoid quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine, it may act like a natural version of Claritin-D. Take 250 milligrams of nettle three times a day on an empty stomach and take 500 milligrams of quercetin twice a day, twenty minutes before meals.
Panax ginseng can help to improve the immune system and suppress one part of the allergic response system known as platelet activating factor (PAF). Take two 1,000 milligram capsules three times per day.
Herbal licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been known to help both asthma and allergies. Take up to 3 grams of deglycyrrhizinated licorice per day for only about a week at a time.
You can pick up these herbs at most GNC stores or other health food locations. If you decide to buy online, make sure that you purchase from a reputable dealer.
Stop Allergies on the Skin
If you are experiencing a skin reaction, there are alternatives to reaching for that stick of Benadryl. Here are three possible remedies that can help naturally.
Aloe vera can be used as a topical allergy remedies because of the analgesics found in its yellow sap. Apply liberally on the problematic areas.
Lemon balm can be used as an oil or in capsule form to aid in allergic reactions. A massage of lemon balm essential oil can clear bronchial tubes and calm skin reactions.
Pogostemon patchouli is an essential oil that can be rubbed into the skin. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal, and is a known aphrodisiac.
Homeopathic Remedies
Just as with medicine, herbal methods don't always work. If the previous herbal remedies have not had much effect after two months, you may want to try a few homeopathic remedies. Like herbal remedies, many of these treatments are plant-derived. See a licensed homeopathic doctor before trying them.
Gelsemium is often used for allergic reactions that are similar to flu-like symptoms such as aching muscles, sudden weakness and chills along the spine.
Nux moschata is given if you have strong reactions to allergens that involve you becoming sleepy, dizzy, giddy and absent minded. Some related physical symptoms are dry eyes, a sense of numbness in your extremities and a feeling of weight on the chest.
Silicea is used for those who are susceptible to sore throats, colds and swollen lymph nodes.