Care of a Dehumidifier
Things You'll Need
- Dish soap
- Sponge
- Soft cloth
- Vacuum with brush attachment
- Spray bottle
Empty the dehumidifier's collection bucket whenever necessary. Pull the collection bucket out of its holding area and pour out the water once it reaches the fill line.
Clean the dehumidifier's collection bucket with warm water and dish soap. Place the collection bucket in the sink under running water. Place a squirt of dish soap on a sponge to clean the collection bucket. Rinse the bucket with clear water, dry with a soft cloth and replace.
Vacuum the dehumidifier's outer grills to remove dust and residue buildup. Use your vacuum's brush attachment to get in between the grill crevices for a deeper cleaning.
Fill a spray bottle with warm water and a squirt of dish soap. Give the grills a light misting with the soap solution, followed by a wipe with a damp sponge. Dry the grills thoroughly with a soft cloth.
Remove the dehumidifier's filter for cleaning once a month. Consult your user guide for removal instructions. Most filters reside behind the front grill where you can easily slide them out. Rinse the filter with warm water soapy water and allow it to air dry. Replace the filter after it dries.