Cetirizine Pediatric Safety
Side Effects
The most common side effect of cetirizine are headaches, which occur in approximately 15 percent of children who take the drug, reports the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Other side effects include pharyngitis, abdominal pain, coughing and drowsiness.
Drug Interactions
When taken with the lung disease drug theophylline, children may experience increased side effects from cetirizine, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Age Restrictions
Cetirizine has been approved for use in children as young as six months of age, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It is not safe for use in younger infants.
Rare, but serious side effects of cetirizine that may occur in children include hypertension, decreased liver functioning, stomach ulceration, high blood sugar or diabetes, deafness and blindness, warns the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Cetirizine may not be safe for use in children with urinary tract blockages, glaucoma, intestinal obstruction or ulcers or liver or kidney disease, cautions the Mayo Clinic.