Signs and Symptoms of a Soy Milk Protein Allergy
Unusual Stools
If you discover that you or your child have stools that are out of the ordinary, this can be a sign of soy milk protein allergy. The unusual stool would contain blood as well as mucous or water.
Weight Change
Another symptom can be a change of weight--either a weight loss or a gain. The allergy to soy milk protein can manifest itself in an aversion to eating, which results in weight loss. Another symptom is frequent vomiting, resulting in weight loss as well. However, a weight gain is possible when you or your child eat often in an effort to settle your stomach or assuage yourself from the stomach irritation you experience.
Health Issues
Heath issues can be a symptom of soy milk protein allergy as well. If you or your child develop asthma, constant congestion, or even skin rashes or eczema, these can all be attributed to soy protein allergy. The way to test for the allergy is to test the stool, the skin, or the blood. At the very least, the doctor can suggest a controlled diet where you eat only specific foods to determine their effect on you. In this manner, allergy to soy milk protein allergy can be isolated.