Potato Allergies
Potatoes are a staple in many American diets. People eat them baked, mashed and fried. Consequently, potato allergies potentially affect numerous people, especially those with a predisposition toward allergies and those with immunological problems.
Potatoes are vegetables and contain alkaloids, proteins and glycoproteins. One of these proteins, called Sol t or patatin, may cause dermatitis or eczema. These allergic skin reactions cause burning and itching.
A person can have a more serious allergic reaction to potatoes, including severe diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, a swelling of the throat and asthma.
Those with potato allergies should consider cooking their potatoes. According to Health24.com, many potato allergens will loose their effectiveness when exposed to heat.
The best way to prevent potato allergy symptoms is to reduce exposure or to avoid them completely. Those with severe potato allergies should consider seeing a doctor specializing in allergies, asthma and immunology.