Allergies in People With Pomeranians
Although many people assume it is the dog's hair that causes an allergic reaction, it is actually the saliva. A protein is secreted in the saliva and urine of the dog. When the dog licks his fur, the protein is deposited, then dispersed into the air as the dog moves about. A lick from your Pomeranian can cause a rash, often accompanied by an intense itch.
Sneezing, congestion, runny nose, wheezing, shortness of breath and rashes are all signs that you may be allergic to your Pomeranian. Often your eyes will redden and swell. Sometimes a person with allergies to their dog may suffer repeated colds, sore throats and flu-like symptoms for years before realizing their dog is the cause.
A preliminary diagnosis to dog allergies is made through observation of allergic symptoms. An allergist can perform a simple skin test to confirm the allergy. A hypodermic needle containing dog dander is used to prick the surface of the skin. If an allergy is present, the skin will show signs of swelling and redness. There is also a blood test that can confirm the presence of allergic antibodies.
Bathing your Pomeranian weekly will help to eliminate the saliva and dead skin cells that cause allergic reactions. Brush your dog outside whenever possible. Keep your dog out of your bedroom. Use HEPA filters in your central heating and air conditioning system. A vacuum cleaner specially made for pet hair--with powerful suction and special attachments that lift hair from carpet fibers--will help. Many also feature HEPA filters. Remove carpeting and install hardwood or tile if possible. Leather furniture is best when living with allergies to your Pomeranian. Dog hair wipes away easily with a damp cloth.
There are over-the-counter medications available that can help alleviate symptoms with dog allergies. Antihistamines are usually effective in halting congestion and rashes. Nasal sprays, decongestants and eye drops may prove helpful. Steroids can be prescribed by your physician. In more serious cases, your doctor may prescribe a series of allergy injections that work to desensitize your system to dog allergens.