Cockroach Allergies

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, in urban areas, cockroaches reside in 78 to 98 percent of homes. The first cockroach allergy was reported in 1943. Symptoms of a cockroach allergy vary from mild skin itching and a scratchy throat to severe asthma.
  1. Significance

    • The general rule is that if you see one cockroach, it usually means that about 800 others are hiding throughout the rest of the home. In the United States, cockroach allergies are most common in the South as well as areas of low socioeconomic status. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 37 percent of inner-city children suffer from cockroach allergies. Furthermore, these children are 3.3 times as likely to be hospitalized than those who are not allergic.

    Warning Signs

    • The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recommends that anyone who suffers from chronic asthma be tested for all allergies, including cockroaches. Constant ear infections, skin rash, and sinus infection are telltale signs of a cockroach allergy.


    • Allergic reactions occur in people with highly sensitive immune systems that overreact when the person comes in contact with an allergen. It is believed that cockroach allergens come from the insect's saliva, feces and body. Cockroach allergens float in the air and collect in dust, making them easily inhaled.


    • A cockroach allergy is treated just like most allergies: with antihistamines, decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if traditional remedies prove to be unhelpful in managing reactions, allergy shots are available to reduce sensitivity.

    Managing Cockroaches

    • First, and most importantly, to prevent a cockroach infestation, always cover food and garbage to keep roaches out. The best defense against cockroaches is cleanliness. However, if you already have cockroaches in your home, the best option is to contact a pest removal service. Poison baits and traps are another good way to eliminate them.

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