Petroleum Allergies
People that have allergies to petroleum are usually reacting to certain hydrocarbons or petrochemicals, including known carcinogenic chemicals such as benzo-a-pyrene and benzo-b-fluroanthene.
Petroleum allergies ares usually classified under a more prominent environmental illness call multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. People with MCSS are often allergic to many types of chemicals contained in perfumes, hairsprays, household cleaners, soaps and detergents.
Common petroleum-based products that can cause petroleum allergies include petroleum jelly, baby oil, lighter fluid, motor oil, degreasers and furniture polish, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Both children and adults with petroleum allergies can have numerous symptoms from petroleum allergies that are similar to other MCSS complications: migraines, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, dizziness, muscle aches and even intestinal disorders.
Avoiding the offending substances is the best solution for alleviating petroleum allergy symptoms. One should also consider wearing a mask when using lighter fluids, degreasers and other products. Some allergists can also test and treat petroleum allergy symptoms.