Sea Urchin Allergies
A sea urchin allergy is due to an immune system response that will happen every time you encounter the allergen. Allergic reaction to food is not the same as food poisoning, which is due to contaminated or bad food.
Sea urchin allergic symptoms include hives, breathing problems, diarrhea, swelling of face, lips or tongue, nausea and tingling in the mouth. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is an emergency if you have a swollen throat, breathing problems, faint or other symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Antihistamines treat mild allergic reactions to sea urchins. Severe reactions may require epinephrine to help you breathe.
Fish and shellfish may be stored together in restaurants. Make sure restaurants do not contaminate your food with items used to prepare shellfish. Also, read labels on food and supplements, such as vitamins and glucosamine, to determine if they contain shellfish.
Your allergy to sea urchins may indicate a problem with all shellfish. People with allergies to one type may need to avoid all types, according to WebMD. For severe reactions, carry an epinephrine injection in case of accidental contact. In addition, some people are allergic to sea urchin roe (eggs).