Bee Pollen for Allergy Treatment
What is bee pollen?
Pollens are male plant spores. Pollen is, simply, the "male reproductive spore of the plant," according to the C.C. Pollen Co. Beehive. Draper's Super Bee Apiaries explains that bee pollen is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and many other health-forward ingredients. This combination, the apiary states, differs according to location. The pollen makeup in Colorado, for example, will vary from that found in Texas or Minnesota.
Does bee pollen work?
Allergies are common, and frustrating. Bee pollen, if desired as allergy relief, must be consumed often. The Southeast Texas Honey Company reports that, in a Journal of Allergy report, nearly three-fourths of individuals orally consuming bee pollen report a drastic improvement of allergy symptoms. Bee Pollen Buzz also supports this claim in likening the process to a vaccine. By exposing the immune system to small doses of allergens, the body can properly respond.
Maximizing the Effects
Bee pollen consumption alone can greatly reduce allergy symptoms, but users can maximize these effects. Bee Pollen Buzz references a Journal of Allergy report claiming that the earlier in the season an allergy sufferer consumes bee pollen, the greater the effect will be, come allergy season. Bee Pollen Buzz also recommends reducing things contributing to a troubled immune system, such as stress, alcohol, sugars and dairy foods.
There are many tasty ways to infuse bee pollen into any diet. Bee pollen may be confusing, at first. There are numerous ways to consume bee pollen and most people find the taste highly enjoyable. Bee Pollen Buzz suggests several ways to introduce bee pollen into a diet in manners that are good-tasting and health conscious. Some methods include shakes, floats and even a bee pollen-infused nog. Because of the granular, powdery nature of the product, food integration is easy.
Select bee pollen from your region for the greatest effect. For effective use as an allergy treatment, bee pollen found in the allergen's environment is best. Some bee pollen experts, like Draper's Super Bee Apiaries, recommend selecting bee pollen composed of a wide range of pollens collected from numerous locations, as pollens contain higher or lower ingredient counts according to collection location. This offers a higher nutritional advantage than allergy relief method, so preference should be given to local pollens. CC Pollen stresses the importance of unprocessed pollens, as processing removes nutrients.