Allergists & Asthma
Asthma is a very serious condition that can be caused by restricted air passages in the lungs, or inflammation from excess mucus. It is essential that all people with asthma make regular appointments with their allergist so they can stay current on their medications.
Allergens can trigger asthma attacks. Allergists usually test people with asthma to determine the primary cause of their symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic. Tests can determine if a person's allergy symptoms are caused by grass or tree pollen, mold, certain foods or even chemicals.
Allergists can treat patients with chronic asthma--those who get it when they have colds or the flu, and those who suffer from exercise-induced asthma.
Allergists often provide their asthma patients with spirometers or peak flow meters so they can keep track of their lung capacity. Additionally, allergists prescribe bronchodilators or inhalers such albuterol, metaproterenol or terbutaline, which help prevent asthma attacks, according to Allergists may also prescribe certain corticosteroids that can help a person prevent asthma symptoms.
Allergists may help new asthma patients overcome their symptoms by simply prescribing certain antihistamines such as fexofenadine, loratadine or diphenhydramine. Some asthma patients may eventually overcome their allergies and asthma symptoms over time.