Allergies to Cats in Humans
Allergies to cats have nothing to do with the cat's fur. Proteins in the cat's saliva, which is dried on the hair as the cat grooms itself, are the true culprit. Dried skin flakes, called dander, are also carriers of this trigger.
Overactive Immune System
Your immune system is normally a great defense against the dangerous invaders that would compromise your health, such as viruses. Allergies are the result of an overactive immune system, which mistakes a harmless material for something more dangerous.
The most stereotypical sign of an allergy is sneezing, but it's not the only one. Hives, watery eyes and a stuffy nose are also common symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Sometimes what appears to be a cat allergy is actually an allergic reaction to the things kitty may have stuck to her fur. Pollens or mold can hitch a ride on kitty, bringing discomfort to those allergic to them. Your doctor can run a few tests, usually skin or blood, to determine the cause of your reaction.
Avoiding cats can be the most effective treatment, but over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines and decongestants are usually enough to minimize the symptoms.