Canaries & Allergies
Despite their small size, canaries can cause a great deal of problems for people who have a canary allergy. People with a canary allergy will probably find themselves allergic to most other birds as well.-
In most cases, canary dander and even the canary droppings act as allergens, rather than the canary itself.
Symptoms of a canary allergy include sneezing, watery eyes, coughing and shortness of breath. The nose will probably also be stuffy.
The best way to diagnosis whether a person has an allergy to canaries is to see if the symptoms disappear when the affected person is away from the canary or away from the canary surroundings.
Treatment typically includes antihistamines, saline nasal sprays and from staying away from the canary.
Filtration Devices
A filtration device in the room with the canary can sometimes help keep the dander down, relieving some of the allergy symptoms.