Allergies to Cat Hair
In reality, the hair is not the problem when it comes to cat allergies. It's the proteins in the dried saliva on the hair, or the dried flakes of skin called dander.
Immune System Overload
Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to a normally harmless irritant, such as cat dander. The dander is mistaken for a more dangerous entity, such as a virus, and your body releases antibodies to fight the supposed foe, causing the allergy symptoms.
Sneezing is not the only symptom of an allergy. The dander can also cause hives, red, watery eyes and a stuffy nose.
Sometimes it's not the actual cat---or its dander---you're allergic to, but the pollens or mold kitty may have in her fur. A doctor can perform a skin or blood test to determine exactly what you're reacting to.
Standard over-the-counter drugs are usually sufficient to control the symptoms of cat allergies. These include antihistamines like Benadryl or Claritin and decongestants such as Sudafed.