How to Get Rid of Post Nasal Drip
Keep humidity in your environment. Do not allow the air in your home to become too dry. Dry air will cause the mucous to become thicker and worsen the post nasal drip.
Drink plenty of fluids to thin out the mucous, but avoid milk products. Milk products thicken the mucous.
Use a salt water nasal spray. Salt water nasal spray is a great post nasal drip cure because it works in 2 ways first the salt will dry out the mucous that drips into your throat. Secondly, the salt creates a hostile environment for bacteria and will help to prevent a sinus infection. Salt water nasal sprays or saline nasal sprays are available over the counter at pharmacies.
Stay away from spicy foods. Spicy foods tend to make your nasal passages drain and if your suffer from post nasal drip the mucous will drain down the back of your throat and worsen your symptoms.
Use a Neti Pot to flush out thick mucous from your nose.
Gargle with salt water to clear the dry mucous from the back of your throat. Mix approximately 1/2 of a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and gargle. Avoid this post nasal drip remedy if you suffer from high blood pressure.
Blow your nose often to clear nasal passages.