Allergic Reactions to House Plants
Runny Nose
Almost any houseplant can cause a person's nose to drain. One of the main culprits is the weeping fig, also known as Benjamin's fig. The allergens come from the sap located on the leaves of the plant. The sap, which overtime becomes affixed to dust particles, causes allergic reactions such as a runny nose.
Difficulty Breathing
Along with a runny nose, houseplants can cause asthmatic symptoms in some individuals. Plants such as the weeping fig or rubber tree can set off this type of allergic reaction.
Itchy Eyes
Houseplants are also responsible for causing allergic reactions such as itchy eyes. Plants in the mulberry family can cause this type of reaction although most any houseplant can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Chest Pains and Cough
Allergic reactions in the form of chest pains and asthma-like symptoms, including coughing, can result from the the mold spores in a houseplant's soil, especially in environments with high humidity.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact allergies in the form of dermatitis or eczema can develop from handling plants such as primroses or tulip bulbs. Also, the skin allergy can result from being exposed to such plants as rubber plants and poinsettas.