Mold and Rashes on Children's Skin
Damp locations such as basements and bathrooms breed mold spores. Items such as stuffed toys, rugs and wallpaper may also attract mold spores if exposed to a damp environment. House dust consisting of mites, microscopic particles of mold and fibers also can elicit allergic reactions.
According to, mold allergies can cause a variety of reactions in children, from rashes on the skin, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, hives, cough, red eyes and breathing troubles. Atopic dermatitis, otherwise known as infantile eczema, occurs when a child has overly sensitive reactions to allergens such as mold in their environment.
Doctors use prick and patch tests, intradermal tests, elimination tests and blood tests to determine the types of allergies that may affect your child. These tests can help in determining different problems such as mold allergies, contact dermatitis, penicillin allergies and food allergies.
Preventing and avoiding the buildup of dust and mold deposits can help waylay and treat such allergies. Immunotherapy or allergy shots may also help in alleviating the problem. Specific allergies such as contact dermatitis and eczema need specialized treatments.
Discarding articles such as books and toys that have developed mold can prevent rashes and allergies. A dehumidifier can prevent dampness and keep rooms dry. Keeping areas such as bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements disinfected regularly can help control or eliminate the problem.