Allergies to Lilac Bushes
Eyes and Nose
Allergic reactions to lilac bushes can involve a person's eyes and nose. Often the allergy sufferer's eyes will water, requiring him to blink often to clear his field of vision. The eyes also itch, as if they're dry or dusty. In addition, the sufferer's nose becomes sensitive to the pollen that is being inhaled. The allergy also causes sneezing in many cases, often accompanied by a runny nose. These common reactions are generally the first ones a person experiences if he is exposed to a lilac bush and allergic to it.
In cases of more extreme allergic reactions, a person's airways may become constricted. Sneezing is only one symptom that can affect the airways. Sufferers may cough and find it difficult to draw breath. This is an inflammation of the airways known as a bronchoconstriction, similar to the closing of the airways that people with asthma may experience during an attack. Bronchoconstriction, especially when it reaches a point that a person can't breathe, is a more extreme allergic reaction to a lilac bush.
Other Symptoms
Sinus pain and pressure are common because of the swelling of nasal glands (causing a runny nose). Skin rashes may be evident in people who come into contact with lilac bushes when the pollen gets on their skin. Some allergy sufferers may also develop hives. In some cases, people who are allergic to lilac bushes experience ear pain or pressure when exposed to the plant.