Chlorine Bleach & Dust Mites
Hot water washing more effective than just clorine bleach As the name suggests, household dust mites live in dust; often found in carpet, upholstery, soft toys, and bedding. Washing laundry with chlorine bleach does not increase the effectiveness of eradicating dust mites from bedding and clothes; however, establishing a regular cleaning regime helps to reduce mite population.
While chlorine bleach is a great disinfectant, to kill dust mites you simply need to wash your laundry every seven to 14 days in water temperatures around 140° F (60° C). Let laundry soak for about 12-minutes then wash for at least 30-minutes.
Alternative Treatment
An alternative to hot water washing is cold water washing at temperatures around 84° F (30° C) then rinsing two times in cold water for about three minutes each.
Vacuum regularly To control dust mite population, reduce indoor humidity to between 30% to 50%, open windows to ventilate with fresh air, vacuum weekly with a HEPA/ULPA vacuum; consider replacing wall-to-wall carpet with tile, wood or other flooring; replace pillows every five years; vacuum mattress periodically to get rid of skin flakes and/or use mattress and pillow covers.
Consider buying organic mattress, pillow, and covers; otherwise, you may be spending eight hours laying in chemically treated materials each night.