Detox for Seasonal Allergies
In the winter months, the body is more vulnerable to colds and flu and our immune system is working overtime. By the time spring arrives our immune system is depleted of its natural resources, leaving the body highly susceptible to allergens floating around in the air. Part of the function of the adrenal glands is to perform like a steroid injection, calming inflamed sinus passages and irritated nasal cavities. However, if the adrenals aren't working properly or are fatigued, this function becomes impaired and allergy attacks can occur. If you have access to a blood pressure meter, you find out if you adrenal glands are functioning properly for yourself. Wrap the cuff around your bicep and take your blood pressure while you are sitting. Repeat this procedure, only standing. If your pressure hasn't increase by at least 10 points, then your adrenal glands aren't working at full capacity, leaving you vulnerable to a wide range of allergens in the atmosphere.
There are some steps you can take to get your adrenal glands functioning again. According to Dr. Selena Eon, N.D., by instituting a "spring cleaning detox programme" for two to three weeks, you can rid the body of unwanted substances that may be inhibiting your immune system. First, avoid all forms of caffeine. Decaffeinated green tea is recommended as a replacement. Eliminate wheat, pasta and potatoes, along with all processed or fried foods. Stick with protein such as chicken, fish and raw nuts. Make sure to avoid roasted or salted nuts. Flax seed oil or olive oil should be used over salads and raw or cooked vegetables. Don't forget to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, to purge your body of toxins.
Also, it's important to get some form of regular exercise daily while you are on this detox program. Low to moderate walks for 15 or 30 minutes are encouraged. Simply taking a hot bath or getting in the sauna so that you perspire will help to rid the body of waste matter. Always finish up with a cold-water rinse, as this will help stimulate the immune system. Also, don't forget to stay hydrated during this process.